can't think of a title for this :)

It seems I have started getting the answers..

When I thought I loved you, my mind said
No, it was not possible..
And my heart said, he deserved someone better….
Deep Inside there was something, that was not convinced…

When I cried, there was something that always cheered me up..
When I was down, there was something that always supported me..
When I felt lonely, something inside me tried saying no I was not..
But I never knew what that something was…

There was always something that doubled my happiness..
There was always something that believed in me..
There was always something that gave me the courage
The strength I always needed, to be myself…

I wanted to know what that something was…
And it took me time to realize that ….
It took me time to realize that; the something inside me
Was nothing but your love…

It took me time to realize that you were within me,
When I was trying to look for you..
It took me time to realize that you loved me from..
Even before I had a thought, that I loved you :)


  1. what was the reason for not convinced state to convinced??
    from first para to the last one :D

  2. Apologies if did not get the question.

    I feel the reason was knowing what that something was or simply knowing something :)

    All in all a beautiful one.

  3. thanx :)

    here it's "knowing what that something was"....

    btw, i want to know who the anonymous is ;)
