Mumbai terror attack – four days of horror and loss.
What the heck is this? I really don’t understand why people have forgotten that they are humans. They want to do all wrong things in the name of religion without even thinking that the people they are killing might belong to the same religion. Let me say that the answer to this; according to them; will be that it’s called sacrifice. Now what is this sacrifice?? I will write some other day about it. But why people really use the name of religion to kill humanism. I was just thinking how religion is different from humanism and I cud think about a few points -
Religionism is Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Muslimism, Christianism etc.
Humanism is People.
Religionism is rejecting.
Humanism is accepting.
Religionism blindfolds the truth that you are first a human.
Humanism unveils the truth that no religion is above humanity.
Religionism needs somebody to show you the correct path. The path is correct only according to that “somebody”. And you really don’t question whether it’s correct or not
Humanism – you actually know what’s correct. It leads to wisdom.
Religionism leads to separation and slaughter.
Humanism leads to love and unity.
If everybody realizes that there is nothing more than humanity and a human’s life; such terror will definitely come to an end.